Sunday, March 11, 2012

March 11, 2012

Well it has been quite a while and so much has happened in the last 5 months.  We have had a full time caregiver up until last week.  In the end I think she was a bigger help to me than to Ken.  We have only been by ourselves for a week and he is doing much better than I am.  We will find our routine soon I am sure and I will relax.  Every day Ken does something that shows me that he is recovering.  As I write this he is in the office/guest room with me listening to music on his iPhone!  Yes I finally convinced him to join me in the iLife!  This is the first time he has wanted to listen to music since the stroke.  Before the stroke he listened to his music all the time. every now and then he is singing along with the music which is going to help him with his speech recovery. 

My adjustment has been a little rougher.  For the last 5 months I could go to work and not worry so much because Barbara was here with him.  If something was wrong she would call me. Now Ken can call me but he can't tell me or anyone else if something is wrong.  I have lots of technology in place. I can track his location through the iphones, he has a alert system responder on his key chain that brings a live person on the line with him when he presses it. I can Facetime him through the phone so I can see him and he could show me if something is wrong.  Even with all this I am still nervous.

For the last 5 months I have only had to buy the food.  Barbara took care of the cooking and cleaning.  I am having some difficulty adjusting to planning meals again and figuring out how the floors are going to get vacuumed.  I found this first week to be overwhelming.  My first breakdown was last Sunday after Barbara left and then I had mini episodes every other day.  Thank God we have good friends and family who can assist.  I have to get better at saying when I need help though! 

We are going to Michigan for a week on March 22nd.  I can't wait!  I have not been home in a year.  That is the longest period in my entire life! 

Writing this feels good.  I am returning to blogging as of today.  I hope I still have some followers out there.
Talk to you soon!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

It's been a while!

Hi everyone!
 Hope you all are still out there.  We are doing well.  There has been a lot of adjustment in the last month but I think we have finally found a rhythm.  After many calls to the insurance company Ken is back to doing all of his therapy at National Rehab starting this week.  The Metro access van picks him and Barbara (our live -in caregiver) up and brings them back usually without incident but sometime a littlle late.  Barbara is a welcome addition to our home bit it does take some getting used to having someone to help out around the house.  I know we all say we want someone to assist us but it is hard to ask someone to do things for you.  I am adjusting though :)  For me it is a lot of planning.  I had to start a whole calendar just for Ken's appointments.  Work is still very supportive and flexible and I am figuring out that it can't all be done in a day.

Speech is still very difficult for Ken but we are figuring out new ways to communicate.  It is often frustrating for both of us but we have agreed to have patience with each other.  We get out and do things, just the two of us still even it is small stuff.  This morning we headed to Target where I introduced him to the miracle that is the motorized scooter.  He scoffed at it at first but then he realized that he could zip around the store on his own and it was fine!  His driving skills are still pretty good! 

I feel calmer than I have before. I am gaining weight though so I intend to get back into someone's gym this week.  There is one very close in the neighborhood and hopefully it is cheap!

Stay Tuned!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Wednesday, October 12 Part 2

We are home finally!  Ken had been ready to go since the early morning but we had to wait for the doctor and other therapists to provide the discharge instructions and they never brought his walker.  After we waited over an hour and no one could get us an answer from the insurance company about where it was we left.  It is a good thing that I bought him a transport wheelchair or he would have had to remain at the hospital I guess.  They say that they are going to deliver the walker to us at home but I don't know when.  This is really the first issue I have had with the insurance company but it is a big one.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Today is the big day! I am picking Ken up at 11:00 am to come home for good.  We are both very excited and I am a little nervous.  I want everything to be in order for him at home.  We did not get approved for the day program rehab at this time because his speech is not where it needs to be yet.  We will be focusing in on this at home so that he can be assessed again in about a month.  In the meantime he can do outpatient rehab for speech, OT and PT.  It will mean more traveling to various locations for appointments rather than having everything in one place.  He got a new brace for his ankle that doesn't fit so well in his regular shoes so I had to break down and buy the shoes with velcro closures.  All of the hospital staff recommended them but I have been resistant to the velcro.  They are not really cute but I suppose this is no time for vanity:)  I anticipate that the next few days will be busy as we readjust to life at home. 

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Picked Ken up at hospital; bright and early this morning.  We were home by 8:30.  The walk from the closest spot to the house was tiring for him.  Once he rested for a few minutes he checked out the entire apartment.  Then I made breakfast for him and we took a nap.  I was exhausted too.   It is a lot of work looking out for all the obstacles there could possibly be.  After the nap we did his shower so we could check out how it is going to work at home.  We don't have all the equipment we need yet but we did pretty well without it.  Only one minor slip.  No injuries unless you count my minor heart attack:)  I shaved him and got him dressed in regular clothes instead of the sweats he wears at the hospital.  He looks good!  His clothes are too big because he is still down about 30 pounds.  That's okay we will just have to go shopping!  It's 2pm and we are waiting on visitors for the afternoon.  He says he is very happy and so am I!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Happy Saturday!
This was a busy week with work and being at the hospital to be trained on Ken's therapy sessions.  He will be coming home tomorrow on a pass so he can check out the new place and we can make any final adjustments before he comes home for good.  We are both excited.  He is so tired of the hospital.  I can see it in his face.  Yesterday when I arrived just before noon he was looking so down.  We skipped the regular hospital food for lunch and went down to the cafeteria where he could eat around other people and eat something different.  He perked right up at the bbq chicken and mac and cheese.  We spent some time outside before we started a full afternoon of therapy sessions.  He is walking so much better but it really tires him out so he is in bed by 6pm.  Tomorrow's pass is from 8am to 8pm and I was planning a full day of activity but I think we will actually just stay around the house so he can adjust to here.  I will even have to cook!  It has really only been two months since the stroke but it feels like forever.  He has made tremendous progress  in this short time but we have a ways to go.  I think being at home will be motivating for him.  It is amazing how life changes  Enjoy each day!

Monday, October 3, 2011

October 3, 2011

Finally an update!

Well, it has been a whirlwind few weeks.  I cruised for a week to Grand Turks and the Bahamas where my brother got married.  Congratulations to Dalas and Dawn!  The wedding was absolutely gorgeous and the time to rest and get some sun finally was wonderful. In the week I was gone, Ken continued to make wonderful progress.  His Aunt came to stay with him and I think he needed the break from me as well.  I have to remember that taking time away from each other is good for both of us.  The weekend after returning from the cruise we moved from Silver Spring to Fort Washington. The condo is ground floor, with appropriate width doors and two bedrooms and two full baths. My wonderful mother stayed with me for the last two weeks to make sure I got moved and settled. I could not have done it without her!  I also want to the all the friends and family that came over and helped put things away. 

The great news is that Ken will be coming home on October 12th!  We are both very excited and I will spend the next week getting trained for his care at home.  He will need 24 hour care when he comes home for at least 8 weeks. The other blessing is that a family friend has agreed to move in with us for this time and provide the care so I can continue a normal work schedule.

I do have to admit that I am a little afraid about the future. Mostly because it is not something I can control. Isn't it good I can recognize this!  God has taken care of us this far and he will continue to so I am going to go with the flow.  Who knows why this happened to us but through it we have the opportunity to do everything differently. What I have learned is that things change so fast and you have to be flexible, adjust and grow.  The care of my husband is my number one priority and so everything else has to line up with that, work has to be next because it is what provides for his care. I am working on managing my work life better so that I can be there for my husband.  Thank God that my employer understands and is supportive but I have to be as present there as I am for Ken. Some days are harder than others but overall it is getting easier. 

Well, I pledge to continue to update every other day at least. If you see me falling behind, email me at
